Improving our nation’s health: a whole-of-government approach to tackling the causes of long-term sickness and economic inactivity

NHS Confederation – June 2024

The UK faces a series of complex health challenges, exemplified by the recent sharp rise in the number of people out of the workforce due to long-term sickness. This has significant impacts on individuals’ wellbeing, as well as large fiscal and economic costs. Tackling complex challenges such as this requires a fresh approach. This interim report, developed by the NHS Confederation and Boston Consulting Group, sets out why a whole-of-government approach is key to addressing this issue and how it can be taken forward by a new government.

Improving our nation’s health: a whole-of-government approach to tackling the causes of long-term sickness and economic inactivity

Provider collaboratives building capacity – Elective Hubs

NHS Providers – 26th June 2024

This is the second instalment in our Provider collaboratives building capacity series, which highlights how provider collaboration is enabling delivery on major health system priorities. This report focuses on the role collaboration is playing in building capacity through the development of elective hubs.

The first instalment, published in February, highlighted the role provider collaboration is playing in building diagnostic capacity through the development of community diagnostic centres (CDCs).

Further information – ELECTIVE HUBS

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Implications for Patient and Workforce Safety.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); 2024.

This IHI Innovation Report presents a detailed review of three primary applications of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) in health care, including benefits and potential patient safety risks and unintended consequences resulting from genAI tools

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Implications for Patient and Workforce Safety.

Clinical commissioning policy: bedaquiline (B), pretomanid (Pa), linezolid (L) +/- moxifloxacin (M) (BPaLM/BPaL) for patients aged ≥14 years with suspected, functional or confirmed rifampicin resistant (RR) tuberculosis (TB), multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB or pre-extensively drug resistant (pre-XDR) TB [URN: 2310]

NHS England – June 2024

Bedaquiline (B), pretomanid (Pa), linezolid (L) +/- moxifloxacin (M) (BPaLM/BPaL) is recommended to be available as a routine commissioning treatment option in patients aged ≥14 years old for suspected, functional or confirmed rifampicin resistant (RR) tuberculosis (TB), multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB and pre-extensively drug resistant (pre-XDR) TB within the criteria set out in this document.

Accelerating transformation: how to develop effective NHS–industry partnerships

NHS Confederation – June 2024

This guidance was jointly developed by the NHS Confederation and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. It aims to understand and unblock the barriers to making the potential of partnership a reality – exploring issues such as culture, trust, and the challenge of stepping outside health system operational norms. It seeks to support the NHS and industry to develop, contract, implement, measure and deliver effective partnerships.

Read the Guidance – Accelerating transformation: how to develop effective NHS–industry partnerships